May/June 2014 Table of Contents
In Print
Point to Point
Calls for Participation
- ICADL 2014 - The International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 5 - 7 November 2014, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 15 June 2014.
- 6th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge
Engineering and Knowledge Management - IC3K 2014, 21 - 24 October 2014, Rome, Italy. Call for various types of participation, each with its own submission deadline.
- International Conference on Human Machine Interaction 2014, 23 - 25, December 2014, New Delhi, India. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 30 June 2014.
- 5th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital
Humanities 2014, 1 - 2 December 2014, Taipei, Taiwan. Call for papers. The submission deadline for abstracts is 1 July 2014.
- Ninth International Conference on Digital Information Management, 29 September - 1 October 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 5 July 2014.
- 10th International Conference on Semantic Systems (formerly known as I-SEMANTICS), 4 - 5 September 2014, Leipzig, Germany. Call for Posters and Demos. The submission deadline is 17 July 2014.
- Digital Preservation Awards 2014, sponsored by the Digital Preservation Coalition and partners. Call for nominations. The submission deadline for entries is 28 July 2014.
- 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART
2015), 10 - 12 January 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 29 July 2014.
- 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and
Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS 2015), 12 - 15 January 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 29 July 2014.
Goings On
- Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2014), 16 - 19 June 2014, Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Libraries In the Digital Age 2014, 16 - 20 June 2014, Zadar, Croatia
- Transforming Assessment: Alternative Metrics and Other Trends NISO Virtual Conference, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), 18 June 2014. Registration closes on 17 June 2014 at 4:00 p.m. (ET).
- 18th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 19 - 20 June 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
- ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci14), 23 - 26 June 2014, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
- Preservathon on AV Preservation Storage Solutions, 25 - 26 June 2014, Turin, Italy
- 21st International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 25 - 27 June 2014, Roskilde, Denmark
- American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, 26 June - 1 July 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- Workshop WP4: Institutional support for open access to research data, 1 July 2014, Riga, Latvia
- 14th International Conference on Web Engineering ICWE 2014, 1 - 4 July 2014, Toulouse, France
- LIBER 43rd Annual Conference: LIBER 2014, 2 - 5 July 2014, Riga, Latvia
- 37th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, 6 - 11 July 2014, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
- 18th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS
2014), 7 - 9 July 2014, Porto Portugal
- UMAP 2014, 7 - 11 July 2014, Aalborg, Denmark
- 8th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics, and Informatics: IMSCI 2014, 15 - 18 July 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA
- 12th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2014, 15 - 18 July 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA
- Digital Directions: Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections, 21 - 23 July 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Digital Preservation 2014, 22 - 24 July 2014, Washington, DC, USA
- ETD 2014 Symposium, 23 - 25 July 2014, Leicester, United Kingdom
- Curating and Managing Research Data for Re-use, 28 July - 1 August 2014, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Deadline Reminders
C L I P S A N D P O I N T E R S May/June 2014
In Print
Revised Recommendations Published for Knowledge Bases and Related Tools (KBART), National Information Standards Organization, NISO RP-9-2014.
"The original recommended practice, issued in 2010, provided all parties in the information supply chain with straightforward guidance about metadata formatting focused mainly on journal resources to ensure the exchange of accurate metadata between content providers and knowledge base developers. Building on the initial recommendations, the revision includes the more granular, complex issues that cause problems in metadata supply, including consortia-specific metadata and metadata transfer for open access publications, e-books, and conference proceedings."
Public Libraries in the United States Survey: Fiscal Year 2011, Institute of Museum and Library Services.
"The Institute of Museum and Library Services has made available a preview of the Fiscal Year 2011 Public Libraries in the United States Survey. Now in its twenty-fourth year, the Public Library Survey gathers data from more than 98 percent of public libraries across the country. In FY 2011, there were 8,956 public libraries in the United States, which served 299.9 million people or 95.3 percent of the U.S. population."
Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs, by Daniel Alemneh, Bill Donovan, and Martin Halbert, et. al., © Educopia Institute, 2014.
"To promote best practices and to increase the capacity of academic libraries to reliably preserve ETDs, the University of North Texas Libraries, together with the Educopia Institute, the MetaArchive Cooperative, the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, and the libraries of Virginia Tech, Rice University, Boston College, Indiana State University, Pennsylvania State University, and University of Arizona are [making] available the Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs."
Ithaka S+R US
Library Survey 2013 by Matthew P. Long and Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R, March 11, 2014.
From the Executive Summary: "The Ithaka S+R Library Survey 2013 examines strategy and leadership issues through the eyes of academic library deans and directors. In fall 2013, we fielded the Library Survey to the dean or director of the general or principal library at each four-year college and university in the United States. The survey did not include community colleges. We received 499 responses, or a response rate of 33%. Our aim in this project was to learn about chief librarians' visions and the opportunities and constraints they face in leading their organizations."
UKSG Transfer Code of Practice, Version 3.0, UKSG Transfer Working Group, 27th March 2014.
"The Transfer Code of Practice is a set of voluntary guidelines for
publishers involved in any journal transfer. It covers difficult issues
including ongoing provision of access to online content, exchange of
subscriber lists, DOI and URL transfer, as well as perpetual access rights
to journal content. Transfer and the Enhanced Transfer Alerting Service
(http://etas.jusp.mimas.ac.uk/) were developed in response to the expressed
needs of the scholarly journal community for consistent guidelines to help
publishers ensure that journal content remains easily accessible by
librarians and readers when there is a transfer between parties, and to
ensure that the transfer process occurs with minimum disruption."
OData Version 4.0 Part 1: Protocol, OASIS Standard, February 24, 2014.
Abstract: "The Open Data Protocol (OData) enables the creation of REST-based data services, which allow resources, identified using Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) and defined in an Entity Data Model (EDM), to be published and edited by Web clients using simple HTTP messages. This document defines the core semantics and facilities of the protocol."
OData JSON Format Version 4.0, OASIS Standard, February 24, 2014.
Abstract: "The Open Data Protocol (OData) for representing and interacting with structured content is comprised of a set of specifications. The core specification for the protocol is in OData Version 4.0 Part 1: Protocol. This document extends the core specification by defining representations for OData requests and responses using a JSON format."
National Archives Strategic Plan: Fiscal Year 2014-2018, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, 2014.
"The Strategic Plan of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) 2014-2018 details our goals for the next several years, the objectives we will use to achieve these goals, and the initiatives by which we will evaluate our progress."
The Value and Impact of Data Sharing and Curation: A synthesis of three recent studies of UK research data centres, N. Beagrie and J.W. Houghton, JISC (2014).
"This synthesis report aims to summarise and reflect on the findings from a series of recent studies, conducted by Neil Beagrie of Charles Beagrie Ltd. and Prof. John Houghton of Victoria University, into the value and impact of three well established research data centres the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS), the Archaeology Data Service (ADS), and the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC). It provides a summary of the key findings from new research and reflects on: the methods that can be used to collect data for such studies; the analytical methods that can be used to explore value, impacts, costs and benefits; and the lessons learnt and recommendations arising from the series of studies as a whole."
At the Nexus of Cybersecurity and Public Policy: Some Basic Concepts and Issues, National Research Council, Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2014.
From the Description: "Cyberspace is vulnerable to a broad spectrum of hackers, criminals, terrorists, and state actors. Working in cyberspace, these malevolent actors can steal money, intellectual property, or classified information; impersonate law-abiding parties for their own purposes; damage important data; or deny the availability of normally accessible services. Cybersecurity issues arise because of three factors taken together - the presence of malevolent actors in cyberspace, societal reliance on IT for many important functions, and the presence of vulnerabilities in IT systems. What steps can policy makers take to protect our government, businesses, and the public from those would take advantage of system vulnerabilities?"
Preservation Health Check: Monitoring Threats to Digital Repository Content, by Wouter Kool, Brian Lavoie and Titia van der Werf, OCLC Research, 2014.
"The Open Planets Foundation (OPF), a European-based organization that provides practical solutions and expertise in digital preservation to major libraries and archives with long-term access mandates, suggested the need for repositories to perform periodic "health checks" as a routine part of their preservation activities. Based on this suggestion, OCLC Research launched a Preservation Health Check Pilot to develop a general approach to monitor the health of the content of repositories based on the associated preservation metadata....[This report] presents the preliminary findings of the Phase 1 investigation of preservation monitoring."
ERCIM News, Special Theme: Cyber-Physical Systems. April 2014.
From the Keynote to this issue: "The presence and importance of Cyber Physical Systems is intended as the orchestration of networked computational resources with multi-physics (e.g., mechanical, chemical, electrical) systems in industry cannot be overemphasized. The engineering problems faced daily is managing dynamics, time, and concurrency in heterogeneous (interconnected) systems where the amount and complexity of intelligence (the cyber part) is growing rapidly and where software implementations are a major portion of system design, validation and ultimately verification. Research and education in this field is of strategic importance for business for years to come."
Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship, Winter 2014 issue.
"Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship publishes substantive content of interest to science and technology librarians. It serves as a vehicle for sci-tech librarians to share successful initiatives and innovative ideas, and to publish peer-reviewed or board-accepted papers, including case studies, practical applications, theoretical essays, web/bibliographies, and research papers relevant to the functions and operations of science and technology libraries in all settings. Through its columns ISTL also publishes reviews, opinions, and best practices."
Information Standards Quarterly, Spring 2014,Volume 26, Number 1. Published by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
"The Spring 2014 issue of the National Information Standard Organization's
Information Standards Quarterly magazine providing a summary of the 2013
standards development work conducted by NISO and by the international ISO
Information and Documentation committee (TC46) has been published in open
access on the NISO website. NISO provides this Year in Review issue on an
annual basis to keep readers apprised of all the accomplishments of our
community in the past year."
Code4Lib Journal, Issue 24, April 2014.
"The Code4Lib Journal exists to foster community and share information among those interested in the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future....By communicating both the problems and possibilities of current and future systems to the wider library community, C4LJ aims to help engender collective understanding and the necessary support for improving library technology and digital services."
BCS IRSG Informer, Spring 2014.
"Informer is the quarterly newsletter of the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group (IRSG). Its aim is to provide insights and inspiration to researchers and professionals working in all aspects of search and information retrieval. Our articles provide accessible and timely coverage of important topics, ranging from focused, practical advice, to concise overviews of broader topics, and to deeper, research-oriented articles and opinion pieces."
OSTI.gov Newsletter, Issue 7, May 2014, Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI).
"OSTI is focused on meeting a new challenge and seizing a momentous opportunity: providing public access to the gold standard of DOE scientific communications, peer-reviewed journal articles and accepted manuscripts resulting from DOE research investments. We hope you enjoy reading about this initiative, as well as about our work to provide access to searchable videos of DOE research and our early support of several DOE programs' efforts to develop quantitative measures of program research. In addition, you can learn about our audio indexing efforts; the 15th Anniversary of DOE R&D Accomplishments; access to full-text MARC records in SciTech Connect; and much more in this issue."
Point to Point
Video of "Searching for Sustainability: Strategies from Eight Digitized Special Collections", from the Association of Research Libraries YouTube Channel, 2014.
"In January 2014, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and Ithaka S+R offered a free web seminar that brought together leaders of the eight cases profiled in the recent study funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Searching for Sustainability: Strategies from Eight Digitized Special Collections. In the interactive session, the project leaders and team members discussed the strategies they have employed to build the audience, infrastructure, and funding models necessary to maintain and grow their digital collections for the long term."
Calls for Participation
ICADL 2014 - The International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, 5 - 7 November 2014, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 15 June 2014.
"The International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL) constitutes a forum that brings together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field of digital libraries to share their research and practice. ICADL 2014 welcomes submissions in the areas that resonate with (but not limited to) the theme of 'The Emergence of Digital Libraries Research and Practices'."
6th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge
Engineering and Knowledge Management - IC3K 2014, 21 - 24 October 2014, Rome, Italy. Call for various types of participation. The submission deadline for each is as follows:
- Position Papers - 23 June 2014
- Workshops - 18 July 2014
- Doctoral Consortium - 21 July 2014
- Special Sessions - 18 July 2014
"The purpose of the IC3K is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners on the areas of Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. IC3K is composed of three co-located conferences, each specialized in at least one of the aforementioned main knowledge areas."
International Conference on Human Machine Interaction 2014, 23 - 25, December 2014, New Delhi, India. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 30 June 2014.
A few of the suggested topics are:
- Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Graphics
- Fuzzy Systems
- Image Analysis
- Knowledge Representation
- Machine Learning
- Multimedia
- Network Security and Management
- Ontologies
- Systems Safety and Security
- Virtual Reality
- Visualization
See the conference web site for a more complete list.
5th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital
Humanities 2014, 1 - 2 December 2014, Taipei, Taiwan. Call for papers. The submission deadline for abstracts is 1 July 2014.
"Digital Humanities refers to the practice of humanities research with
digital resources and information technology. The interdisciplinary nature
of digital humanities enables researchers examining new methodology,
defining new research issues, discovering new context between quantity
data, and exploring how the humanities may evolve....This conference is...organized to engage more researchers to participate
in the ongoing dialogs that will eventually lead to encourage collective
projects, to stimulate more new research themes, and ultimately to
contribute to the growth and flourishing of the global research community
of Digital Humanities."
Ninth International Conference on Digital Information Management, 29 September - 1 October 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 5 July 2014.
"The International Conference on Digital Information Management is a multidisciplinary conference on digital information management, science and technology. The principal aim of this conference is to bring people in academia, research laboratories and industry together, and offer a collaborative platform to address the emerging issues and solutions in digital information science and technology."
10th International Conference on Semantic Systems (formerly known as I-SEMANTICS), 4 - 5 September 2014, Leipzig, Germany. Call for Posters and Demos. The submission deadline is 17 July 2014.
"The annual SEMANTiCS conference (formerly known as I-Semantics) is the meeting place for professionals who make semantic computing work, and understand its benefits and know its limitations. Every year, SEMANTiCS attracts information managers, IT-architects, software engineers, and researchers, from organisations ranging from NPOs, public administrations to the largest companies in the world."
Digital Preservation Awards 2014, sponsored by the Digital Preservation Coalition and partners. Call for nominations. The submission deadline for entries is 28 July 2014.
"Created in 2004 to raise awareness about digital preservation, the Digital Preservation Awards are the most prominent celebration of achievement for those people and organisations that have made significant and innovative contributions to ensuring our digital memory is accessible tomorrow."
7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART
2015), 10 - 12 January 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 29 July 2014.
"The purpose of the 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART) is to bring together researchers, engineers and
practitioners interested in the theory and applications in the areas of
Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Two simultaneous related tracks will be
held, covering both applications and current research work."
6th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and
Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS 2015), 12 - 15 January 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 29 July 2014.
"The purpose of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models,
Methods and Algorithms is to bring together researchers and practitioners
interested in the application of computational systems and information
technologies to the field of molecular biology, including for example the
use of statistics and algorithms to understanding biological processes and
systems, with a focus on new developments in genome bioinformatics and
computational biology."
Goings On
Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2014), 16 - 19 June 2014, Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia, Canada.
"The aim of CICE is to provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various educational fields with cross-disciplinary interests to bridge the knowledge gap, promote research esteem and the evolution of pedagogy."
Libraries In the Digital Age 2014, 16 - 20 June 2014, Zadar, Croatia.
"Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) is a biennial international conference that focuses on the transformation of libraries and information services in the digital environment. In recognition of evolving online and social technological influences that present both challenges and opportunities, 'Assessment' is the theme for LIDA 2014."
Transforming Assessment: Alternative Metrics and Other Trends NISO Virtual Conference, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), 18 June 2014. Registration closes on 17 June 2014 at 4:00 p.m. (ET).
"This Virtual Conference will explore the range of new metrics forms and the infrastructure necessary to create reliable measures across the range of platforms, publishers, and authors. It will also discuss the current status of the NISO Altmetrics initiative and what standards are forthcoming in this area."
18th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 19 - 20 June 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece.
"Elpub 2014 will continue the tradition, bringing together researchers, lecturers, librarians, developers, entrepreneurs, users and all other stakeholders interested in issues regarding electronic publishing in widely differing contexts. These include the human, cultural, economic, social, technological, legal, commercial and other relevant aspects that such an exciting theme encompasses....Elpub 2014 will particularly focus on the openness and use of research data as well as new and innovative publishing paradigms."
ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci14), 23 - 26 June 2014, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
"Web Science studies the vast information network of people, communities, organizations, applications, and policies that shape and are shaped by the Web, the largest artifact constructed by humans in history. Computing, physical, and social sciences come together, complementing each other in understanding how the Web affects our interactions and behaviors."
Preservathon on AV Preservation Storage Solutions, 25 - 26 June 2014, Turin, Italy.
"The target audience for this workshop is
Library and archive technologists, directors of collection care and IT
advisors interested in the various motivations and priorities of storage
for digital audiovisual media across different domains."
21st International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 25 - 27 June 2014, Roskilde, Denmark.
"ISMIS is an established and prestigious conference for exchanging the latest research results in building intelligent systems. Held twice every three years, the conference provides a medium for exchanging scientific research and technological achievements accomplished by the international community."
American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, 26 June - 1 July 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
"ALA Annual Conference programs, updates, conversations, and other events cover key issues such as innovation and transformation, ebook lending and usability, digital content, community engagement, leadership, the impact and potential of new technologies, books and awards, copyright, outreach, privacy, services for makers, library advocacy, core values, career development, teaching and learning, and best practices on a range of library-related concerns."
Workshop WP4: Institutional support for open access to research data, 1 July 2014, Riga, Latvia.
"The aim of this workshop is to develop a set of policy recommendations that provide support for institutions involved in making open access to research data possible. During the workshop we will present and discuss the findings of our research on the institutional policies and practices regarding data quality management, training, advocacy and financing."
14th International Conference on Web Engineering ICWE 2014, 1 - 4 July 2014, Toulouse, France.
"The International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE ), is the prime yearly international conference on the different aspects of designing, building, maintaining and using Web applications. ICWE is supported by the International Society for the Web Engineering (ISWE), and brings together researchers and practitioners from various disciplines in academia and industry to tackle the emerging challenges in the engineering of Web applications and in the problems of its associated technologies, as well as the impact of those technologies on society and culture."
LIBER 43rd Annual Conference: LIBER 2014, 2 - 5 July 2014, Riga, Latvia.
"LIBER is an organisation that represents research libraries all over Europe and aims at ensuring the
development of library services efficiently supporting researchers' work. At the same time LIBER helps
to preserve European cultural heritage safeguarded by research libraries and LIBER also supports the
development of efficient and effective management at research libraries."
37th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, 6 - 11 July 2014, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
"SIGIR is the major international forum for the presentation of new research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques in the broad field of information retrieval (IR)."
UMAP 2014, 7 - 11 July 2014, Aalborg, Denmark.
"UMAP is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to their individual users, or to groups of users, and collect and represent information about users for this purpose."
8th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics, and Informatics: IMSCI 2014, 15 - 18 July 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA.
"One of the main purposes of the International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2014, is to bring together academics, professionals, and managers from the private and the public sectors, so they can share ideas, results of research, and innovative services or products, in a multi-disciplinary and multi-sector forum....Educational technologies, socio-economic organizations, and socio-political processes are essential domains among those involved in the evolving co-adaptation and co-transformation between societies and cultures on the one hand, and between informatics and cybernetics (communication and control) on the other hand."
12th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2014, 15 - 18 July 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA.
"Relationships between Education/Training and Information/Communication Technologies (ICT) are increasing acceleratingly, sometimes in unexpected ways, with original ideas and innovative tools, methodologies and synergies. Accordingly the main purpose of EISTA 2014 is to bring together researchers and practitioners from both areas, in order to support the bridging process between education/training and ICT communities."
Digital Preservation 2014, 22 - 24 July 2014, Washington, DC, USA.
"The National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) is a consortium of organizations that are committed to the long-term preservation of digital information. The mission of the NDSA is to establish, maintain, and advance the capacity to preserve our nation's digital resources for the benefit of present and future generations....The NDSA was launched as a membership organization in July 2010 as an initiative of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program." This is the annual meeting of NDSA.
ETD 2014 Symposium, 23 - 25 July 2014, Leicester, United Kingdom.
"ETD is the key international conference on developments and trends in electronic theses and dissertations initiatives."
Curating and Managing Research Data for Re-use, 28 July - 1 August 2014, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
"This five-day workshop is for individuals interested or actively engaged in the curation and management of research data, in view of data sharing and reuse, particularly data librarians, data archivists, data producers and stewards with responsibilities for data management. The course will assist individuals working with research data to apply efficient curation practices to ensure the usability, quality and safekeeping of data resources. Participants will learn about best practices for managing research data, how to apply them to daily operations, and the types of tools that can assist in curation efforts."
Deadline Reminders
ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, 3 - 5 December 2014, Berlin, Germany. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 2 June 2014.
(Unless otherwise noted, text above enclosed in quotation marks is quoted from the web sites for those items or events or from
press releases received by D-Lib Magazine from the hosting or event-affiliated organizations.)