D-Lib Magazine
May/June 2007
Volume 13 Number 5/6
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the May/June 2007 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Systems of University of Minho, Ana graduated as a Systems and Informatics Engineer, obtained a MSc degree in Informatics and a Doctor degree in Information Technologies and Systems. She has been publishing in the areas of Scholarly Communication, Digital Libraries and Semantic Web. She is also interested in the social aspects of the Internet, primarily on its relationships with scholarly communication.
To return to Ana Alice Baptista's article, click (here).
Tim Brody (Ph.D. in 2006, University of Southampton) is a Research Assistant in the Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group at the University of Southampton. Tim has worked on a number of open access-related projects including GNU EPrints software tool, PRESERV (digital preservation for eprints), TARDis (investigated methods for filling institutional repositories) and the Open Citation Project (providing citation linking for eprint archives). Tim has developed and supports the Citebase Search (citation-ranking search engine), Registry of Open Access Repositories and Celestial (OAI-PMH caching and analysis) tools.
To return to Tim Brody's article, click (here).
Dr. Leslie Carr is Senior Lecturer in the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. Dr. Carr's
background is as a researcher in distributed information systems (hypermedia, Web, Semantic Web), and he was chair of the 2006 International World Wide Web conference. He has worked on Open Access for over 10 years through a number of collaborations including the UK-US/JISC-NSF International Digital Libraries II Open Citation project, a collaboration between Southampton, Cornell and Los Alamos. Since then Dr. Carr has become Technical Director of the EPrints repository software (and its commercial arm EPrints Services), the Repository Manager for (eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk) and a member of the advisory board of the Southampton Institutional Repository (eprints.soton.ac.uk). He currently directs a number of JISC projects on preservation (PRESERV), e-research environments (R4L, EBank), research assessment (IRRA) and repository usage statistics (IRS).
To return to Leslie Carr's article, click (here).
Alex Delis is with the faculty of the Department of Informatics and
Telecommunications at the University of Athens. His research interests
are in distributed computing, networked information systems and software
engineering. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University
of Maryland, College Park, and is a member of the IEEE Computer Society,
the ACM and the Technical Chamber of Greece.
To return to Alex Delis's article, click (here).
Carolyn Dunford is a Graduate Research Assistant at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library. She recently earned her Masters degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Washington. She also holds a Master of Urban Planning from the University of Washington and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Massachusetts. Her areas of interest include web design, user interface design, digital libraries, information architecture, and social networking software.
To return to Carolyn Dunford's article, click (here).
Miguel Ferreira graduated as a Systems and Informatics Engineer and has worked as a consultant at the Arquivo Distrital do Porto (Oporto's Archive) and as a researcher at the University of Minho. Since 2003, he has been publishing in the field of digital archives, libraries and preservation. Currently, Ferreira is developing work as a Ph.D. student and coordinating several research projects at the Arquivo Distrital do Porto and the Portuguese National Archives (Instituto dos Arquivos Nacionais/Torre do Tombo).
To return to Miguel Ferreira's article, click (here).
Margaret Henty is the National Services Program Coordinator for the Australian Partnership for Australian Repositories (APSR). She joined APSR early in 2005 to work on a project to identify metadata needs for Australian researchers and has stayed on. Her current position entails coordinating APSR training, events, publicity and publications, with some project work interposed. She has worked previously in the ANU Library, the National Library of Australia and the Australian Social Science Data Archive. Her most recent publications include collaborations with Kevin Bradley to write Survey of Data Collections: a research project undertaken for the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories published in late 2005 and with John Houghton and Colin Steele to produce Changing Research Practices in the Digital Information and Communication Environment for the Department of Education, Science and Training in 2003.
To return to Margaret Henty's article, click (here).
Dr. Jessie Hey has a broad background in information and library management spanning global research laboratories and academia. Working with the School of Electronics and Computer Science in Southampton and the University of Southampton Libraries, she has tackled a variety of digital and hybrid library projects. The TARDis project researched the new concept of institutional repositories and developed a key model as used by the University of Southampton's pioneering repository. As these repositories are maturing she has gone on to be associated with the MURLLO, CLADDIER and PRESERV projects spanning issues with learning objects, linking data and research repositories and curating them.
To return to Jessie Hey's article, click (here).
Steve Hitchcock is project manager for the Preserv Project, which is investigating how to preserve digital materials in institutional repositories (IRs). He is also a member of the team developing EPrints repository software, where he is concerned with extending support into the user community. Previously he worked on the Open Citation Project, which developed citation linking and analysis services for open-access archives. His primary research interests are open access, institutional repositories and electronic publishing, especially Web publishing. He was awarded a Ph.D. in 2002 for a thesis examining a new Web publishing model.
To return to Steve Hitchcock's article, click (here).
Ann Lally is the Head of the Digital Initiatives program at the University of Washington Libraries where she is responsible for the coordination of digital-based projects throughout University of Washington Library system including the implementation of an institutional repository service. She is also involved in the Libraries Digital Scholarship initiative activities which include new media documentation and access, and geo-spatial data visualization. She served as the Associate Director of the Artificial Intelligence Lab at the University of Arizona Management Information Systems Department for two and a half years; before that was the Architecture Librarian for the University of Arizona Library. She holds M.A. in Library Science (University of Missouri) and an M.A. and B.F.A in the History of Art (University of Kansas).
To return to Ann Lally's article, click (here).
Kathryn Lybarger holds masters degrees in mathematics and library and
information science from the University of Kentucky. As a graduate
student with the University of Kentucky's Digital Programs, she worked
on digitization projects for historic newspapers, photographs and oral
history. Her research interests include computer-assisted indexing,
image processing and reformatting for digital preservation and access.
To return to Kathryn Lybarger's article, click (here).
Polly Reynolds is an assistant archivist and information resources cataloging specialist at the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan (UM). She received her master's degree in information from the UM School of Information with an interest in archives and human-computer interaction. Her interest in using technology in archives has led to several projects at the Bentley including the design and implementation of a database to manage archival accessions and electronic records preservation metadata. As a member of the Next Generation Finding Aids team, she was responsible for the interface design and metadata for Polar Bear Expedition Digital Collections website.
To return to Polly Reynolds's article, click (here).
Kostas Saidis is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Informatics and
Telecommunications at the University of Athens. He holds a BSc in
Computer Science and an MSc in Advanced Information Systems. His
research interests include digital libraries, object oriented
information systems and software engineering.
To return to Kostas Saidis's article, click (here).
Arthur Sale, Ph.D. FACS FIEAust is Professor of Computing Research at the University of Tasmania and Research Coordinator of Computing. Prior to that he was Pro Vice-Chancellor of Information Services and a University Senior Executive. Dr. Sale has been described as the 'archivangelist of Open Access in Australia' (Stevan Harnad, Canada) and a 'Living National Treasure' (John Hughes, UTS). He received the ANCAAC Award for best paper in Australia in ICT in 2001, the ICT Industry Award for contribution to the ICT Industry in 2004, and the University of Tasmania's Award for Community Engagement in December 2006. He researches in bioinformatics, mobile computing and Internet technologies.
To return to Arthur Sale's opinion piece, click (here).
Seth E. Shaw received a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems from Brigham Young University - Idaho in 2005 and a Master of Science in Information from the University of Michigan School of Information, with an Archives and Records Management specialization, in 2007. His areas of expertise include electronic records, digitization, and online applications development. Seth has been the primary programmer for the Polar Bear Expedition site since June 2006.
To return to Seth Shaw's article, click (here).
Kopana Terry is a Senior Image Management Specialist in Digital Programs
at the University of Kentucky Libraries. She holds a BA in Art Studio
with a specialty in Photography and a MLS in Library and Information
Science both from the University of Kentucky. In 2001, she brought her
expertise as a freelance artist to UK's Preservation Reformatting
Center, moving on to Digital Programs in 2002 managing reformatting
projects of photographs, texts, manuscripts, maps, and microfilm. As a
professional musician and certified audio engineer, she has been
integral to the pilot project to digitize oral histories.
To return to Kopana Terry's article, click (here).
Eric Weig (MA in Library and Information Science from the University of
Iowa) is Head of Digital Programs at the University of Kentucky
Libraries. Since its inception in 1999, he has acted as project manager
for the Kentucky Virtual Library's Kentuckiana Digital Library Project.
Mr. Weig is also responsible for directing a digital lab housed in the
University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections and Digital
Programs division, and has served as an adjunct instructor for the
University of Kentucky School of Library and Information Science. He is
a member of the American Library Association (ALA).
To return to Eric Weig's article, click (here).
Elizabeth Yakel is an associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Information where she leads the Preservation of Information Specialization. Her research interests include user needs and services and archival description, particularly focusing on the digital archives and virtual use. As leader of the Next Generation Finding Aids Research Team, she is very interested in rethinking the look, feel and functionality of archival access tools.
To return to Elizabeth Yakel's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2007 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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